Madelyn James Blog

Thank You for Celebrating Madelyn James!

Written by Jackie H. Didio | 12/27/22 7:51 PM

At Madelyn James Pediatric Cancer Foundation, we believe that increasing access and equity can lead to a cure for many children with cancer. For our first ever campaign, we spent 14 days honoring our namesake, Madelyn "Maddy" James Didio and all of the words that embodied her life and now spirit. We asked our community to share a word each day with someone who is special to them, to tell them that they matter, and because of this, we raised over $30,000! And now, we can start to support our first ever Madelyn James family in 2023!

We can't wait to bring more access and equity to pediatric cancer.

Thank you!

Jackie, Dan & Hannah 

Madelyn James Pediatric Cancer Foundation Founders