Madelyn James Blog

Meet A Legend!

Written by Jackie H. Didio | 8/29/24 1:54 PM


Meet A Legend! 

We are honored to share our new family with you! Welcome to Madelyn James, Legend!

Legend is so special. He laughs so much, cuddles and snuggles with such amazing love. His laugh makes your heart melt. As his whole family says, "He truly is A Legend!"

In 2023, Amanda and Joshua Collazo found themselves excited to move to Florida, start a new chapter of their life and welcome their fourth child into the world. Their three children, Leylanni (9), Landon (7), Leighton (1) were excited to have another brother! 

Legend was born on July 1, 2023 and while the birth was not easy, this amazing, little boy was joyfully welcomed by his family. Then, when Legend was just seven weeks old, on August 23rd, 2023 Amanda and Josh heard the news no family should ever hear, “Your son has infant Leukemia.” 

From that moment forward, Amanda remained devoted to being by her baby's side in the hospital every single day. Meanwhile, Joshua made a daily journey of over an hour to drop off Legend's siblings at school and then drive back to the hospital to be with Amanda and Legend. The depth of love and care within the Collazo family is truly inspiring.

After 54 days in the hospital, 11 of those days being in the PICU. Legend finally got to go home! 

Legend underwent multiple rounds of chemotherapy, some that had to be done inpatient, some that Mom had to give to him at home. Just when the family thought things were going to start looking up for Legend and as he was about to start his Maintenance period of treatment, the Collazos received heart breaking news: Legends cancer returned. He relapsed on his first day of Maintenance. 

As the Collazo family's home hospital team in Florida worked diligently to devise a new strategy, Legend embarked on a more intense course of treatment. Every week, Legend underwent the procedure of weekly spinal taps with unwavering determination.

In search of top-notch care, the family made the decision to move to Philadelphia to enroll Legend in the HU-Cart trial at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The entire family made the journey, including their beloved pets. While homeschooling their children, they made every effort to create a comforting environment for their family. Now, Amanda and Joshua, along with their remarkable children and the incredible Legend, are united in their pursuit of the best possible treatment for Legend. Their unwavering dedication has brought them together to create lasting memories in this challenging journey.

We are so honored to share Legend’s story with our Madelyn James family. Their ability to bring joy and spread love during this very difficult time is amazing.

The first time I met Amanda, she made us empanadas. Their whole family is full of love, selfless, and pure. 

At Madelyn James, we are supporting them in any way we can, and we are honored that Legend is part of our Madelyn James family. So far, we have supported purchasing a new computer, items to make life a little easier and more fun when being away from home, and learning about how we can ensure this amazing family can continue to be together throughout Legend’s treatment. 

One of our special things we do at Madelyn James when we meet families is ask each family member to fill out a “favorite things” survey. It helps us get to know each of the family members and surprise and delight them with fun, little gifts that makes them know we are thinking of each of them as individuals and supporting them in the way they want support.

How can you help? When the Collazo family returns to Florida, we would love to support them by paying their rent and other monthly expenses. 

By contributing a monthly donation to Madelyn James or making a one-time donation, you can help us provide vital support to families like Legend's.

  • Paying their Monthly Rent and Providing Coordination with their landlord 

  • Paying Car Payments and Car Insurance 

  • Stepping in to support Logistical Coordination 

  • Share Joyful Moments with the entire family (self-care days, coordinating fun days for Legend and his family)

Help us create access and equity in pediatric cancer by partnering one-on-one with amazing families like this amazing one! 

In love,
Jackie and Dan